Other Details
- How Long have you been in the hobby (eg. start date or length of time or a whole paragraph or two on your history in the hobby)?
- Do you have a sump and/or refugium? If so, what size?
- Filtration eg. amount of live rock, sand bed or bare bottom, mechanical filtration etc?
- Skimmer Details?
- Water flow/movement (powerheads etc)?
- Lighting, type and times
- Other equipment such as auto topoff, Ca reactor etc
- Water parameters
- Additives and conditioners (kalk, phophate removers etc.)
- Fish stock. Preferably scientific name followed by common name if known.
- Coral stock. As above, scientific and common names if known
- Other Inverts. As above, scientific and common names if known.
- Maintenance such as water changes, cleaning etc?
- Acknowledgments and any other comments you would like to make that don’t apply elsewhere.